Sunday, May 30, 2010

Walking on Air

I'm at Tyler's house, sitting in the office, watching him and his friend Timmy play those stupid out-dated Yu-Gi-Oh bullshit cards. I'm listening to German rap, hell yeah Samy Deluxe. They are looking at me weirdly as I type. Timmy says that Blogger is bullshit, and you know what? I love to blog. I don't know why. Only one person reads it. HEY LIZZ!

Yeah, and I told Tyler that this chick in Denmark (the country), thinks that he is cute, and he doesn't know what to think about that. Hey Lui! Lol. I think that he is creeped out, just a bit.

I was watching Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion last night. I used to like, love that movie, now that I watch it, I thought that it was really stupid. It wasn't as awesome as I remember. I guess that that is proof that I am changed. You know? I hate how you don't realize that you are different. My friends don't know how I was before they met me, so they haven't been able to tell me about how I was. But I know how changed I am. I'm not as sullen as I was. I love how happy I've been this year. I have met the greatest guy like, ever and well...I guess that's it. I have Tyler, and some really cool friends. I have met some really awesome people this year, mainly in Europe, but a few pretty awesome people in my own country. I feel like I am walking on air. . .

I love that song by Kerli. "Walking on Air", is just how I feel right now.

How is your weekend going, Lizz?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lizzie!

    They are sitting around play Yu-gi-oh, and he calls Blogger bullshit? He might want to rethink that statement. Also, my first thought when reading that was rather... offensive? It started with a "suck" and ended with an "it". Hahahaha...

    Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion?! I think the first time I saw that, I was 6. Sadly I loved it, and still do.

    I love her!


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