Friday, July 2, 2010

Safely In His Arms

I don't know where I'd rather be than with Tyler. I've been staying with him over this Summer, and honestly...I think that I am even more in love with him than I ever was. He is under this stupid assumption that I will grow tired of him. What the fuck is he thinking?

This Summer is going by with out a hitch. I'm surrounded with people I actually give a few damns about, and I'm with someone I love more than I can even love myself.

Where else should I be?

Lizz, darling. Are you still reading my blog? I am so sorry that I haven't read yours in such a long time. I will get on that as soon as I can.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed I am. No worries. There is no need to read them... there not that special... although one about the hellish tortures of flying bathrooms might appear soon...


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