Friday, October 29, 2010

The Next Two Days Will Be the Best Ever, Starting With Today

Today, I celebrate Nine months with Tyler. I cannot believe that it has been that long. I am forcing him to go skating, with me paying this time. Tyler is the type that will not do anything or go anywhere unless he is shelling out the cash. I hate that. Especially, since I am not the type to accept someone else's money unless it benefits the other person, as well as myself. Anyway, as I was saying, our relationship hasn't been smooth or easy. We have had our fair share of arguments, but we have always been able to work through the kinks. I have been fortunate in finding him. He is the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. He is the main thing holding my life together. I don't know what I'd do without him. I love him, so much, it scares me. It scares me because I have never loved anyone as much as I love Tyler, and I am afraid that I will make a mistake and lose him forever. And I have done that before. I almost let him out of my life because I listened to the words of others, instead of my heart.

And Saturday, I am going to be walking the streets of Historic Down Town Conway, with my best friend Leon. I always have fun with my friends. I love the feeling of being free, just being a teenager. Being myself. I love feeling as though nothing can hurt me unless I let it.

And on Halloween, my favorite holiday, Leon is coming with me to Broadway at the Beach to hang out with my older sister Mina. I do not get to see her that often. She lives in the next town over, and has a life of her own. I'd like to think that Mina and I have gotten closer over the past three to four years, then we ever had in the fourteen years that I lived with her.

I was able to go and see her last night. My dad was going to see her, and I, of course wanted to tag along. Her friend, Courtney, was so shocked to find that I have grown up so much since she last saw me when I was fourteen. I tower over my older sister, who is at the age of twenty-one. She stands at four foot eleven and 3/4 inches tall, and I stand at five foot seven, I believe. I also weigh more, and have more to my torso, than she does. And I was wearing high heels, which made everything funnier. I stood up and faced her, and she was literally looking up at me. Everyone in the room couldn't contain their laughter.

I found something out that made me very happy. I was shocked to discover that my father is actually proud of me. We were at iHop getting coffee and I was talking about studying in Germany, and he was all for it. He said that he was impressed at the fact that I taught myself more German than anyone else would care to know. The German I know, I learned without a teacher or a computer software program. I simply learned the alphabet and opened a dictionary, listened to songs in the German language, and used a few good online translators. My dad was impressed with the fact that I even wrote a full length, five stanza, four lines per stanza, poem in German. And the poem is written in proper German and my message in it is clear. I have it posted on my blog. The title is "Ich brauche dich nicht". However, my dad doesn't know that the poem is about him. Anyway, I'm glad that my dad is actually proud of me for something. It makes me want to continues pursuing my quest to conquer the German language, and make a career out of what I know.

1 comment:

  1. All I can say is... epic. very epic. :)

    Also, on a very different note, completely unrelated note, the movie wasn't Death Race.


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