Thursday, May 20, 2010

I don't care. Point blank.

I could sit here, at this computer, and pretend that someone is actually reading this shit. I could pretend that someone is actually interested in my thoughts, or what I think about things. I really could. But you know what? I don't post for other people. To me, blogging is a lot better than posting videos of oneself on Youtube looking like a fool. I can think about what I am saying, without consequences.

I don't care about being liked, or being fucking popular. I hate the way society puts emphasis on beauty and popularity. It's like, you have to be "beautiful" in order to be liked. In my opinion, that's the way a person can get killed. People kill to be pretty, and they will plow over anyone who gets in their way.

And I don't care about age. I don't care how old I get, and what I'll look like when I get there. I like myself the way I am, yes, I have somethings I'd like to change, but that doesn't mean I'm going to spend thousands of dollars on hoaxy creams and oils that will knock out some wrinkles. I'm seventeen, for fuck's sake! The only thing I need to worry about is making it to age forty! But, everyday, I am forced to watch girls my age, pile on make-up, pounds of it at a time! And for what? To get some guy to notice them, because they look older? No! You look like a hoe. Girls my age could spend their money on better things, more useful things. And women my mom's age are focused on looking like their teenage daughters again. Just so the guy at work who is a year younger than her will look at her. It's fucking pathetic.

I could give two fucks less about what I say. If it offends you, oh fucking well. If you don't understand what I said, don't argue! If you don't believe in what it is I am saying, stop listening and stop trying to argue! It's not going to work! I won't shut my mouth because I hurt you feelings, or offended your beliefs. If someone isn't going to listen and respect my beliefs, then why should I show the same courtesy? I don't find it necessary. I find it pointless. Just sit down, shut up, and listen to someone else for a change!

And I really don't give a fuck about bands. Yes, I have my favorites, but that doesn't impress me. The music does. I don't care if a certain band has the "hottest" bassist. Not even. If a guy came up to me and told me that he was in a band, I would ask "Is the music any good?". And if it isn't, I don't poison my ears with it, nor do I waste my time with them. A person could be the hottest person alive, but if they can't keep a tune, or if the band can't keep play, I won't bother. Music is the only thing that matters. Not the band. I guarantee that if a new band came into the scene, and they were all considered "Ugly", by society's judgment, no one would listen to them! They could have the most kick ass lyrics, hard core guitarist and bass player, and an awesome drummer, and yet, no one would care! Now that's just stupid.

Now, I know that you don't care about what I don't care about, and I don't care. It's my blog, and you can leave it at any time. But right now, I'm done.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, so I finally got around to reading this. (you said to in a comment that I saw again while I was going though stuff on here) and your right.

    People bitching about there age, (not in an "oh my god I'm really that old? where'd the time go?" way but a "oh my go, I'm fucking old. ew.") make me want to slap them into tomorrow, while screaming "At least you have LIVED this long you selfish bitch!"

    I also don't understand why people just don't say, "I disagree". and leaving it at that. A clam argument is alright (as long as no one is shoving ideas down the others throat, and both know when to walk away and leaving it at "I disagree".) and questions are epic, because that shows people are trying to understand your point of view. (Note that is NOT the same thing as agreeing with said person.)

    I guess I just don't understand people. :( Bummer.


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