Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Small Town, Big Dreams

I hate living in South Carolina. It's hell. There is nothing to do, no one to see, and no where to go. The only thing that you can do is dream. And if you're lucky, you'll escape. That's the thing about small towns. They suck you in with comfortability and false charms. It makes me sick. I talk to people, older people, and they tell me about how they had dreams of leaving town, and doing something. And when I asked them what happened, they tell me that they didn't have the heart to leave what they knew behind.

How can anyone shove themselves into a box? Especially one as small as Conway? I think that it is a sad day when dreams die. I believe that the person holding that dream dies a little bit too. It's heart wrenching. And they try to do the same thing to me, but I will not fall victim to their vacuum of soul stealing evilness. I will go to Germany and live whatever dream that spawns there. I don't want to end up like my mother and Grandmother. And I will not enter the military, like my father. I will not have my soul stolen too! The government can't have that, either.

Anyone with me?

1 comment:

  1. I totally know what you mean. Small towns are hell. But, it is equally crushing when anyone you talk to in said small town, never even dreamed of leaving. They don't even like leaving it. It is beyond creepy. I guess its just weird since I didn't grow up here, although all the friends I have here are going to get the hell out of here after high school. I'm thinking a big, big city, with lots of lights.....


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